Tuesday 30 November 2021

The tunnel writing

 Kia ora this is a blog post about this story called The Tunnel. In the story there are a brother and sister and they are very different and one day there mum tells them to go oustside and get along and then they went to the waste ground and cralled threw a tunnel and then the brother turns into stone. Here is a slide about it. 

What is your favourite fairytale?

Tuesday 23 November 2021

My Futsal Pick-A-Path

 Kia ora this is a blog post about a Pick-A-Path for my teacher to get to know me better. Here is a slide

Do you know what a transperancy tool is on a Google Slide?

Monday 15 November 2021

Narrative writing

 Kia ora this is a blog post about my Narrative writing about the Chatham Island Tomtit it is a fantasy writing. Here is the slide

What was your favourite bit about the writing?

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Descriptive writing

 Kia ora this is a blog post about Descriptive writing. Here is a slide.

Do you know what a Chatham Island Tomtit is?

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Chatham Island Tomtit Fact File

 Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about facts for a Chatham Island Tomtit and a fact file. here is a slide.

What bird in NZ is your favourite?

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Label and describe

 Kia ora this is a blog post about Rockhopper penguins and facts about them. Here is the slide.

Do you know any other facts about Rockhopper Penguins?

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Sourcing information

 Kia ora, this is a blog post about Sourcing information and finding if it is true or not.

Here is a slide about it.

What is your most used facts website?

Monday 1 November 2021

Bird of the year

 Kia ora this is a blog post about Bird of the year and what bird I chose. There was a winner and it was the long tailed bat but the one i voted for was the Rockhopper penguin.

What bird did you or would of picked for it?

Evaluating media

 Kia ora this is a blog post about evaluating media. Evaluating media is what is real and what's fake online. Here is a slide about it.

Which one looked most fake?

Thursday 28 October 2021

24 hour media challenge

 Kia ora this is a blog post about media and  the stuff I saw in 24 hours. Here is a slide about it.

Why don't you try a 24 hour challenge like this?

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Google drawing of me

Kia ora this is a blog post about a google drawing that explains me.  

Do you have anything in common?

Friday 22 October 2021

Steps for replying to a comment.

 Kia ora this is a blog post about steps for when you need to reply to a comment. the three steps are. Say thanks at the start an answer if they asked a question and a question to carry on the conversation. Here is a slide about that and even more.

Have you ever replied to a comment with these three steps?

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Qaulity blog comments

 Kia ora this is a blog post about Qaulity blog comments and having a look at people comments to see if they have greeting, positive, thoughtful and helpful all in their comment. here is a slide about it

comment down below and try to get all four of those things.

Saturday 2 October 2021

Writing #2

 Kia ora this is a blog post about my writing. Her is a slide.

What world would you want to teleport to?

Thursday 30 September 2021

Place value

 Kia Ora, Remy here this is a blog post about place value I have been up to this lockdown. Here is a slide.

Are you good at maths? do the 11 times tables in the comments if you want.


 Kia ora, Remy here this is a blog post about Prototec and what I have been up to. Here is a screenshot of it marking my progress.

Have you ever done Prototec before?


Times table chart

 Kia ora this is a blog post about my times tables up to 12.  Here is the link.

How high do you now your times tables?


Writing #1

 Kia ora this is a blog post about me writing about a Wizard. Here is  the slide.

Would you climb up Tiger peak to see the view?

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Future Scientist.Choice board #2

 Kia ora Remy here this is another blog post about Future Scientist were you do a science experiment. Here is the science experiment I have done.

To make this trick work you need cardboard a cup and water

1. You fill the cup up nearly to the top

2. Softly place the cardboard on top of the cup then you quickly tip the cup and the cardboard over.

Comment if it works.


Tuesday 28 September 2021

Home by me. Choice board #1

 Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about Home by me. I chose Home by me instead of floorplanner because Miss Mills let me and it is a great website I made a dream house which I have pictures of and I have done a lot more. Here are the photos.

the front of the house

From the top

The kitchen

The lounge

My bedroom

Kids bedroom

Kids playroom


What was your favourite place in the house?

Thursday 23 September 2021

Times table Screeencastify

 Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about me practising my 8 and 7 times tables forwards, backwards and random. Please listen to my screencastify.

What is your most challenging times table?

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Monday. Past and Future volcanoes!

 Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about haiku's and poems of volcanoes me personally thought that it was a good Haiku how about you? My acrostic poem is okay because I didn't really have an idea of what I should say for some of the letters. Here is a slide about it.

Guess what eruption my Haiku is about?

Sunday 12 September 2021

Wednesday. Past an future volcanoes

 Kia ora this is a blog post about stuff that you would take for your pet and your family if a volcano erupted near your house. Here is a slide about it.

Do you have a pet?

Monday. Past and future volcanoes

Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about facts and writing. Here is a slide with those two things. 

What's your favourite type of volcano?

Thursday 9 September 2021

Cook Off!

 Kia ora Remy here this is a blog post about Room 8's cook off it is were the people who want to do it makes something and publishes it on your blog this is a banana cake with chocolate icing and sour squirms. here's a photo.

Have you ever tried a banana cake before?


Volcanoes near me

 Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about google maps and 10 volcanoes that are closest to me. Here is the google map.

What are the 10 volcanoes nearest to you?

Friday 3 September 2021

Friday. Volcanoes of Auckland

 Kia ora Remy here, This is another blog post about writing in this slide there is my 100 word story and my six sentence story.

Have you guys ever been to Otamure Bay before?

Thursday 2 September 2021

Wednesday. Volcanoes of Auckland

 Kia ora, Remy here This is a blog post about facts of volcanoes and some other stuff about volcanoes. Here is a slide about it.

What five things would you take from your home?

Monday. Volcanoes of Auckland

 Kia ora, Remy here this is a blog post about news articles. Here's a slide about it.

What is your favourite volcano in Auckland?

Monday 30 August 2021

Friday. Do all volcanoes look the same

 Kia ora Remy here, this is another blog post about volcanoes this one is a bit different the other volcano slides are about facts of volcanoes but this one is about descriptions and writing.

have you ever done a writing about a volcano?

Thursday 26 August 2021

Wednesday. Do all volcanoes look the same

 Kia ora Remy here, this is another blog post about do all volcanoes look the same. You may be wondering does this slide have the same stuff as the other slide the answer for that is no there are different stuff in this.


Do you now any other facts about volcanoes? Bye

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Auckland and beyond

 Kia ora Remy here, This is a slide I have made called Auckland and Beyond! 

What's your favourite place in Auckland? Bye 

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Monday. Do all volcano's look the same?

 Kia Ora Remy here, This is a blog post about volcano's about the parts of a volcano and what is a volcano here is a slide to answer those questions.

Have you ever seen a volcano erupt in real life? 

Monday 23 August 2021

My ideal park

 Kia ora Remy here, this is a blog post about my ideal park here's a slide of my ideal park.

what would you have in your park if you owned one. Bye

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Word art qaulity blog comment

 Kia ora, Remy here this is a blog post about a qaulity blog comment that I did with phil for cybersmart. This is a word art with words about qaulity blog comments.


Have you ever done a word art? 

Here is a link to the website link


Tuesday 27 July 2021

The power of yet

 Kia ora my name is Remy and this is a blog post about the power of yet. The things that I'm not good at yet is touch typing but I'm okay at normal typing  and maths such as powers, divison and big timestables e.g. 13 x 16 = ?. The website I am going to work on for touch typing is typing club and the website I am going to work on for maths is prototec. The power of yet is important because you can't do stuff yet. Do you have anything to work on to get better at?

Friday 9 July 2021

Term three Disco

 Hi my name is Remy and this is a blog post about term three Disco. Today I am about to do a disco I am dressed up as a cosmic ray because the theme is rather Matariki or cosmics. What we do at the disco is we do a competition for the best dancer and the best costume and if you when one you get a prize two years agoI won the dance competition I won a rubix cube and much more that I forgot. Here is a picture of a cosmic ray.


Blog ya later.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Canterburyqauke before and after

 Kia ora Remy here, this a blog post about the book Canterburyqauke and this is a google drawing that i did with my good friend Jarvis of a before and after. The story is about  a person called Maddie, she is from Christchurch when the earthqaukes were happening she was 11 years old she really wanted a phone and now she got one. She has a younger brother called jackson a older sister called Tessa and a bff called Laura. Have you read the book? Bye 

from the past to the future

 Kia ora this is a blog post of a story that I red from the past to the future in difference. Here is a slide about it ( also there is a vendiagram in it.

Hope you enjoy. Bye

Thursday 17 June 2021


 Hi this is a blog post about a whole school production and my class part were bussiness men and lady's we had three performances and one was me as dad I told cheesy dad jokes such as, eating a honey sandwich outside the beehive, whats a bees favourite sport? Rugbee!, and what do bees take with them to go birdwatching? Beenoculars! There were a bunch of dances my favourite one was Room 7's they all acted like gangsta's. My Mum, my Dad and my Sister when people were watching the performances it was all sold out so there 400 people watching. Have you ever been part of a production? Here is a photo of us as bussiness executive's. Bye.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

how we show empathy (PB4L)

 Hi Remy here we are learning Empathy in PB4L

It is important to show empathy to each other because it helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond nicley to the situation. One person from our lesson interested me was Jason because he is a year 6 and he swares and is left behind in his work when next year he is going into intermidiate. Something simple you can remember to think about is to think if it is worth saying think if it will hurt him and if it is helpful. here is a photo of Empathy. Blog ya later.

Thursday 10 June 2021

facts about England

 Hi Remy here, this is a blog post about a england slide with some facts about England.

Have you ever been to England? bye

Thursday 3 June 2021


 Hello Remy here, this is a blog post about the Work shops we did this mornig. The workshops were planned by Kainga Ora and they are a construction company here is a photo of their logo. 

There were six groups and six stations there was one that was about a pipe game here is a LINK. we got to beep a diggers horn got to watch a rag get sucked up with a powerful vacum we got to see a little car with a camera and got to move it and we also got to beep a trucks horn here is a photo of my group and me. 


Wednesday 2 June 2021

Story's of Tsunami's and Earthqauke's

 Hello, This is a blog post about story's that we have been reading for giuded reading.

we have been learning to compare and contrast events. We have read the stories Samoan Earthqauke and Tsunami and The Hungery Wave. The stories are about Tsunami's and Earthqauke's. The two main characters, Ana and The boy, Thing that are different between them 
are the boy got went unconscious. Here is a link to a google search of a tsunami's in Samoa Link. Samoa was effected by the tsunami because everything that got destroyed cost money and some people might not have enough money. Bye

Wednesday 12 May 2021

The Pick-a-path game


Kia ora, Remy here this is a post of a Pick-a-path that I made this with jarvis this is from Cybersmart the we did with Phil. Please play it and comment down below if you think we did a good job and if you made it with out going back to the very start? 

Monday 10 May 2021



Kia ora this is a blog post about Why we should ramember soldiers from the wars and why it is so important that we celebrate Anzac day. Comment down below if anyone from your family fought in the wars?

Is Rona truly the Protagonist of Rona and the moon

 Kia Ora this is a post about Rona and the moon.

For reading we are learning Myths and legends and this one is Rona and the moon and think she is a protagonist which is the good guy of the story and a Antagonist is the bad guy of the story, book or movie E.G. the guys the kill the ghosts is the protagonist and the ghosts are the antagonist. I will tell you a quick story of it. 

Once there was a lady called Rona she lived in a little village with her three sons they wanted water so she set of to get some water from the spring and the moon guided the way when she got near the spring the moon hid behind some clouds she said come out he wouldn't come out so she stubbed her toe on a ngiao tree and she started shouting and insaulting the moon the moon got mad and picked her up and she grabbed the ngaio tree but the tree wasn't strong enough so it came up with her and she started calling for her children. Some still say you can sometimes see her still up there. The End. 

Even though she was rude to the moon I still think she is the protagonist cause she tried to get the water for her kids and she didn't harm anyone until the moon hid behind the cloud so I think that Rona is the protagonist and the moon is the antagonist. Comment down below who you think is the protagonist and the antagonist.


Wednesday 5 May 2021

My history footprint word art

 Kia ora Remy here I have made a foot print wordart of my history the bigger the words are the more I have been on it here is the picture.

Comment down below if you think it is cool. 

Wednesday 7 April 2021

My most memorable moment this weekend

 Kia ora, this weekend I went to otamure bay camp site. My most memorable moment in the weekend was when I got to ride in an  American car and got to play American games and i had a milkshake with whipped cream on top from our friends.

Have you ever rid in an American car?


Monday 29 March 2021

My favourite unuasual sport

 Hello this is a post of my favourite unuasual sport.

My favourite weird sport is Zorbing

here is a link to watch a video


Zorbing is a sport were you can roll down a massive hill in a ball you can roll people over and put water in it. You may be wondering who invented it there names are Andrew Akers and Dwane van der sluis. It was first played in 1994 at the bay of plenty.

Have you every played Zorbing?


Friday 19 March 2021

The Timline


Kia ora, Remy here this is a blog about a timline from today to a really long time ago when they only had a whare and I also read a book about the timline and how it evolved.
Hope you enjoy.
Blog ya later.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Standing strong

 Kia ora, Remy here from Room 8 this is a post about two people and a family that always stayed persistant resiliant.

The new new zealanders Have to live through the wars, guns and bombs. They were broke and to get to school the had to go through the wars and when they came to new zealand it was a whole lot better to them. Liam Malone has no two legs and he never gave up. He got a silver medal for 100m he got two golden medals for 200m and 400m. Nelson Mandela Is inspiring because no matter if he gets arrested or not he will always stand strong. Also he tried to make it right.

Who do you think is the best out of these two people and one family?


Friday 5 March 2021



Kia ora, Remy here from Room 8, this is a post about Bookmarking it isn't a very long one all I have written in there is who I think is the right student and about why I chose to put the bookmarks on my bar.
Who do you think is the right student and why? One more question what bookmarks do you have in your bookmarks bar and why?
Blog ya later.  

Thursday 4 March 2021

The right places at the right time


Kia ora, Remy here from Room 8, this is a post about right places at the right time. The five slides have information of what I think is information about the right places at the right times.

My screenshots


Kia ora, Remy here from Room 8 this is a post about Kawa of Care screenshots. The google drawing has screenshots of my class site, my class blog,  the Kauri team site and my blog on it.

Tuesday 2 March 2021


Hi Remy here from room 8, these are post's about the kawa of care for your Chromebook. These instructions are important. If you don't follow them it could mess up your chromebook badly so don't follow these rules. Have you ever wrecked your chromebook if you have tell me how?

Monday 1 March 2021

In My Backyard


Kia ora, Remy here, the post that I have today is a picture from In my backyard I did a weta because I like weta's even though I wouldn't pick one up. Once I was checking the mailbox and when I opened up the mailbox there was a weta on the mail. I picked up some of the mail, I ran back to the house and dropped the mail I had in my hand, just in case there was another weta hiding in the mail. I told my Dad and he went and picked the weta up then he let it go in my garden. Have you ever came across a weta before?

Thursday 25 February 2021

Recreation of the hauraki gulf


Kia ora Remy here, today I made a post about the hauraki gulf with Me, Zac, Jarvis and goerge.
There are 8 slides of the hauraki gulf with heaps of facts like how many percentage's have droped at the hauraki gulf. Have you ever made a hauraki gulf slide?
Hope you enjoy.
Blog ya later

Friday 19 February 2021

Kawa of care pick a path


Kia ora koutou, it is me Remy in room 8 me and Jarvis made a pick a path for kawa of care and don't forget to comment how much you got right and how much you got wrong. Have you ever made a pick a path? Enjoy!

Thursday 18 February 2021

 Kia ora, it is me Remy from room 8 this is me snorkeling at mangawhai campground I went to the campground for 2 weeks. I made friends over there It is speaical to me because it is the place with the most friends i made going camping. have you ever gone to mangawhai.