Monday 30 November 2020

Eels in stories

 Kia ora, this is a slide is about four stories about eels.

Blog ya later

Friday 27 November 2020

Vision Board


Kia ora, this is a post of my vision board of becoming an ALL BLACK. 

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Camp Recap

Kia ora, this is a camp recap that I have made. It has writing and some pictures about the best parts of our team camp. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed going to camp at Shakespeare Lodge. Blog you later.

Monday 23 November 2020

Creative Writing


Hi, It’s One Sea Newshub here and today on the beach of China the stinky old brat named Isaac Harrison age of 100 got eaten whole by a gargantuan eel. I’m not that surprised because he was gonna die soon enough. I know it sounds mean but it’s true. 

I wonder if Zac Harrison his son, age 40, has got anything to say about it. 

Zac Harrison layer told me,  "it is really tragic what happened to him. Now he is in his grave with only a head. I will miss him."

The beach is closed until future notice or the eel is killed. We will let you know more deatils as soon as we hear them.  

We have been learning to write using different genres. Here is my go at writing a newspaper report.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

 Kia ora, I have a slide about green week it's about eels effecting our drains about longfin eels and shortfin eels 

Monday 9 November 2020

Athletics at Lovelock track!

 Kia ora, people who are reading. On 3/11/20 I had athletics at Lovelock track. We played heaps of sports I'm a year 5 so I was with the year 5's there were 7 activities the first one we went to was discuss, discuss is my favourite activity because it is easy to throw the plate the people who can go to eden albert are 1, 2 and 3 the people who came 1,2 and 3 are 1 is Isaac, 2 Me Remy, 3 Levi. Then we did long jump, high jump, shotput, 100m, 200m, then the 800m. Here are some photos.

Guess which person I am in these photos?